Flu vaccination 2023/2024

For people aged 65 and above and for people with chronic diseases the flu vaccination is recommended. Also recommended is the flu vaccination for people who like to reduce the risk of getting the flu because of professional and/or private reasons. And it is recommended for all people with contact to people above 65 years and older, people with chronic diseases and babies.

The flu vaccination at our pharmacy in Zurich is safe, easy and fast.

Appointment & price

Time: 10 minutes
Price flu vaccination: CHF 42.20


Without appointment: Monday to Friday 10:00 – 17:00. All other times than above mentioned and on Saturday we kindly ask you to book your appointment here on the website, to send us a email (info@STOP-SPAM.apotheke-pilgerbrunnen.ch) or to give us a phone call (044 406 80 40).

Make an appointment

E-Mail: info@STOP-SPAM.apotheke-pilgerbrunnen.ch
Phone: +41 44 406 80 40



+41 44 406 80 40


+41 44 406 80 58


Nachricht schreiben


Nachricht schreiben


Mo – Fr

07:30 bis 19:00 Uhr


08:00 bis 17:00 Uhr